domingo, 1 de febrero de 2009

They are ours!!!

They are already legally ours!!
Today was a crazy day but again it started out with a good omen... the sun came out after many foggy and cloudy days...
We went from Mariupol to Kramatorsk with our driver Sasha. He arrived in the hotel to pick us up at 8:40 a.m. and greeted us with a very Russian "Yellow". I think it's the only word he knows in English because after that he just drove...
Halfway to Kramatorsk, Masha called on the cell phone to tell us the good news, that we our Hearing was today at 3:30 p.m.!
The rest of the trip was full of emotions and thoughts. Nerves and excitement but never fear. Only anxiety about the decisive moment we were about to live. We arrived in the apartment to dig into the suitcases and get our "Ukrainian style" fancy clothes.
After some trouble with the iron (Masha had to bring us another one because the apparently there was a problem with the first one and it almost burned!) we got dressed the best that we could and left.
The appointment was at 3:30pm so we went straight to the Courthouse because the trip from Kramatorsk to Artemovsk took us over an hour.
On our way we talked a lot about the probable questions and scenarios. I had the strong hope in my heart that the Judge would waive the ten days waiting period for us. We discussed it with Masha and she strongly recommended that we did not ask for the waiver because our Embassy asks for some documents to be certified by Ukrainian Institutions and they do not do it if the waiver is given, so it could bring us more trouble than good.
We decided to do what we have done during this whole love adventure: leave everything in God's hands.
We arrived in Artemovsk poco antes de las 3pm pero tuvimos que subir al auto a la trabajadora social y a la abogado del orfanato asi que estuvimos todos en la sala de Juicio a las 3:25 para empezar el mismo.
Imaginense una tipica sala de juicio de serie de SONY Entertainment. El honorable juez entra a la sala y todos se paran. El fiscal con cara de malo sentado a un lado. Nosotros y Masha sentados en primera fila como acusados... La secretaria tomando nota de "todo lo actuado" (en terminos legales). La abogado del orfanato y la asistenta social sentadas tambien al otro lado frente al honorable juez (en este caso parecia mas una babuska que Juez; era una sra mayor). Estamos seguros de que se imaginan la escena.
Bueno, todo paso muy sencillo. Las preguntas fueron bastante obvias asi que las respuestas tambien: "van a poder sufragar con los gastos de los 5?" Los van a querer igual que a sus dos hijas?" Van a ir al colegio? etc.
Todas nuestras respuestas eran: "da" y bla bla bla.
Todo duro poco mas de 40minutos y antes de terminar el fiscal saca su librito y le dice al Juez que necesita permiso para acercarse... gulp!!
Yo estaba seguro de que nos iba a dar el regalazo de los 10 dias. "Que detallazo, gordo", pensaba yo. En mi buen ukraniano estaba entendiendo todo lo que le decia al Juez y que como le habismos caido bien y todo q porque mejor nos nos ibamos nomas ya...
Bueno, nada mas lejano a la realidad.
En verdad estaba pidiendo otra audicncia mas porque el otro ninio estaba en Mariupol!! Gordo, canalla!!
Saltaron todas! La asistenta social, la abogada, Masha, etc.
Se comieron al gordo y lo empapelaron con el Poder entregado por las autoridades de Mariupol acordando un solo juicio en Artemovsk para los dos procesos (uno por cada orfanato). Ante eso, el gordo solo dijo: "jarasho" con lo cual Marielle y yo respiramos.
Ya lo demas fue solo firmar papeles y risas y todo.
Estaba hecho.
Los ninios ya eran nuestros.
"Registrese, archivese y ejecutese" o algo asi. Finito! Terminado. Fin! The End! Caput!! Todo. YA!! Yeeeeeeeeee!!!
Al final la Juez nos felicito y nos deseo lo mejor porque se habia dado cuenta de que si bien estabamos bastante arrugados pareciamos en el fondo personas buenas y amorosas.
Pregunto donde se peinaba Marielle quien encontro su peluqueria en el hotel de Mariupol!!
Lo demas ya fue solo dejar a la asistenta social y a la abogada en sus respectivas oficinas y pasar cortito a ver a los chicos (Tiago y Nico).
Fue visita corta pero deliciosa por el recibimiento de los 2:
Santiago estaba con su grupa en pijama (a las 5pm). Delicioso con un buzo que le llegaba hasta las axilas... Salio corriendo, felz a darnos besos y gritar Hoooola!! Priviet!! Hooola chicas. Todo un escandalo para el resto del grupa que tambien corria despavorido ante la llegada de "los arrugados". De pronto pasitos por fuera de la sala y se abre la puerta y era el gran Nico que se hecho un grito de Tarzan: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! y se lanzo de los brazos de la cuidadora a los de Marielle.
Que paso luego?
Lo de siempre
Nos echaron por revoltosos y arrugados.
A la salita de musica. Nico y Marielle corrieron por el pasillo (primera vez que lo veo caminar tan rapido; esta progresando muy rapido) riendo a carcajadas y atras veiamos Santiago (disfrazado con mi bufanda y la cartera de Marielle) y yo corriendo tambien. Ahi nos encontramos nuevamente a nuestros muy buenos amigos americanos quienes nos felicitaron mucho por el juicio. Los vamos a extraniar cuando volvamos todos a nuestras casas. Son personas extraordinarias que quisieramos mantener cerca como amigos siempre.
Jugamos un poquito y los devolvimos para emprender viaje de vuelta a Kramatorsk por primera vez como los legales padres de 5 angeles de Dios.

viernes, 30 de enero de 2009

Happy Birthday Ale!

One of the most difficult things about coming to Ucraine in this time of the year is that the birthdays of four of our now five children are within less than a month: January 23rd (Nico), January 24th (Alejandra or "Ale"), February 10th (Santiago) and February 15th (Micaela). We would have liked to celebrate them the seven of us together, but the way things have turned out, we are with two of them in Ukraine while the two birthday girls are in Guatemala with their "Babushka" Monica.
Thanks to her, Ale could celebrate her 13th birthday with a party as good as Nico's. We are very proud about how mature and generous our daughters have been in relation to our trip. They have never complained about our absence but, on the contrary, they have been constantly asking about their brothers and us every single day.
The same way we dedicated a posting to Nico's birthday, with the same joy I present you the pictures of Ale's birthday...

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The videos start coming...

Videos are better than a thousand words...
Here are some of them that we were already able to upload to the blog.
Just click on the links.

#1 Santiago dice que se va a Guatemala... (Santiago says he will go to Guatemala)

#2 Santiago y Nicolas jugando en la sala de musica (Santiago & Nicolas in the music room)

#3 Visita ayer Sabado a Fernando jr. (Saturday's visit to Fernando jr)

#4 El cumpleanios de Nico completo (Nico's bday party complete)

#5 Vistiendo a Nando (asi decidio llamarse el mismo...) Dressing Nando (he chose to be called like that)

#6 Hola Mica!! (hello sister Mica!!)

#7 The Cheetah boys

#8 Nico y sus juguetes (Nico & his toys)

#9 Nando's grupa

#10 Saltos e investigaciones (Jumps & investigations)

The after party

and the party continues at the music room

My brother Santiago discovering himself in the mirror

Me, opening my presents

Me, playing with my presents

Katrina (Vicky), one of my best friends.

with my friends Kyle(Oleg) and Katrina (Vicky) and their parents. They already had the Hearing and will soon go home. A private after party...

My "groupa"

My Birthday pictures!


Today is a very special day to me for many reasons. Not only because I will turn 4 but because for all of us children with special needs, the fourth birthday is the date that seals our fate.

I arrived in Artemovsk when I was only 4 months old, straight from the hospital where they treated me after I was born. From that day I have been here for these almost 4 years which are all my life. I have had many friends who are home today with their mamas and their papas. I have met many good people who have given me their love and warmth. For a little over a year now I also have my youngest brother here, he helps me and takes care of me when I need him. He shares his pichinias with me and teaches me how to play with the toys. I am an amazingly happy child and everybody here loves me very much.

Today is a very special day to me for many reasons. Today we will have a very rare event here in the house: a real birthday party. All my "groupa" will be here, as well as my "bratchik Santiago", but most importantly, my parents will be here!!! I don't think anything like this has ever happened in this house before. Today they will all be here for me. For my fourth birthday!!!

Today is a very special day to me for many reasons. Today is the day that I will not leave the Baby House to go to some Institution where my parents would have never been able to find me. Today everyone will sing "Happy Birthday" among the laughter and happy faces of all my caretakers who will sing to me in Russian while they clap with joy because they know everything that this day means to me.

Today I feel happier and more alive than ever!! Today I will walk better. Today I will play more. Today I will smile more! Today I will learn how to say new words. Today I feel like I am being born again into the family that God had promised.

I am dying to meet my older sisters who will take care of me. I am dying to meet the brother that has my papa's name. Santiago and I will join them very soon and we will finally start to live as the big family that we were destined to be since All Eternity.

Today is a very special day to me for many reasons. Today is MY day. Today we start the final countdown for the day when my bratchik Santiago and I will be the ones to say "paka, paka" to this house that until now we called home. Today I begin to close this chapter and a new world opens before me, a world full of new colors, scents, textures, sensations and many other things that will help me grow and develop big and strong like all the other kids.

Today is a very special day to me for many reasons...